Wednesday, May 14, 2008

"Who lives by the sword dies by the sword"

This cliche seems hypothetical to me, however, recently a friend of mine told me that whoever invented this words was a "genius".My last post was on irrational(phobia) fear and i promised i will talk more on the rational fear we always experience.Personally i am hydrophobic(fear of water), some people are claustrophobic(fear of closed space),others are ailurophobic (fear of cats) the list is long,infact psychologists nowadays tend to use just the word phobia for fear,since very few people nowadays study Greek. Anyway, to come back to my friend's presumptuous allegations, 'to say so',i find the word quite irrelevant sometimes.People have different fears as i just mentioned some above, but this case seems peculiar to me:-i finally found that this same friend of mine is afraid to drive because he believes that drivers have a high probability of dying on the road than just the passengers(who lives by the sword dies by the sword),he further gave me an example that those possessing guns are more likely to die than those without(i think the opposite is true) i still have to know the source of his statistics.may be psychologists should one more time come with the proper word for this kind of fear.I tend to think that the correlation between risking your life and getting away with it is quite ambiguous, just like saying that people who do jobs they have a passion for excel(Gets rich).Anyway let's leave that for a debate.Why actually should somebody fear a coachroach and not a lion.This is one of life's mysteries, for real.What's your take on this?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Having consulted with the 'friend' whom you quoted in the post he told me that what he meant was that the way you live your life in a way determines your demise. Most lung cancer and Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients are smokers.Similarly gun totting robbers are usually gunned down.
It's sort of a karma thing, what goes around comes. Treat people nicely and surely people they will reciprocate it.