Monday, May 26, 2008

Why do women think that men are dogs?

And also conclude that Men are not trustworthy.. but.. women say dogs are trustworthy.. so if we are not trustworthy, how can we be dogs?

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


This idea never occurred to me until recently when a female friend asked me why men always have affairs more than their partners(girlfriends/spouses) even though they are in a relationship.The first thing that came to my mind though rather ask a relationship-psychologist. However on the second thought it was worth trying. I therefore embarked on a mission of fact finding, asking a number of male friends(not like in a formal survey)the same question. I got a bunch of responses though.The reason why men (married and unmarried)cheat on women may sometimes involve simply an ego based decision and sometimes it may relate to a bad relationship,and even lack of it.
If a man has a disinterested partner there is a good chance he will have an affair;men will sometimes cheat to get a way from an argumentative partner;some men get tired of having steak for dinner every night and want to try a humburger.That’s why men don’t necessarily always cheat with women who are more attractive than their partners. The other aspect is that when a couple do not have as much in common as they thought,and finally meets a female who shares the same interests he may check out if he is more comfortable with her under the sheets.Here is the bomb.... If you have forgiven a cheating partner a couple of times, they are more than likely going to cheat again because they already know if they plead enough, you will forgive them.
Anyway, the reason why men cheat can be more complex than the ones mentioned above or even be a different combinations of reasons.Nevertheless, no reason is good enough reason to lie and be dishonest.

Monday, May 19, 2008


This is one topic i have been trying to avoid for a long time, but i think it is a high time i wrote something about it.Jealousy is a feeling just like fear or anger.Though not all people are jealous.some people are jealous because they dont have things or anything what they wish what you have...simple.The more somebody gets mature in day to day affair,prosperity follows.Generally if you have worked hard in order to prosper and the prosperity follows,you are likely not to be jealous.Moreover those who avoid working and or putting more effort are the most jealous ones.However there are some frustrated elements who pretend having put there best and always complain about others faster growth.Infact, jealousy like other emotions doesnt come from nowhere, it comes from a feeling that someone needs aren't met or someone feels threatened.People who don't feel threatened don't feel jealous.
So. the question is, why are you jealous? Jealousy is an unusual emotion, in that it's a feeling that's often built out of other feelings, such as fear or anger or insecurity. What is it that triggers the jealousy, and more important, why? When you think about the things that cause you to feel jealous, what's the first emotional reaction that flashes through your head--fear? Anger? Sadness? Rejection? Loss? What underlies those feelings--fear of loss ? Fear of being insufficient? Anger at someone else moving in on your territory? All of these? None of these?
Your true self can be known only by systematic experimentation, and controlled only by being known. I believe that emotions, though they are not rational, do usually have a reason behind them--they are the ancient part of your brain, the part that does not have language, trying to communicate with you.If you are a jealous person out there,know that you are a looser and you dont appreciate what you are given in life.It's immature and childish."Grow up"

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

"Who lives by the sword dies by the sword"

This cliche seems hypothetical to me, however, recently a friend of mine told me that whoever invented this words was a "genius".My last post was on irrational(phobia) fear and i promised i will talk more on the rational fear we always experience.Personally i am hydrophobic(fear of water), some people are claustrophobic(fear of closed space),others are ailurophobic (fear of cats) the list is long,infact psychologists nowadays tend to use just the word phobia for fear,since very few people nowadays study Greek. Anyway, to come back to my friend's presumptuous allegations, 'to say so',i find the word quite irrelevant sometimes.People have different fears as i just mentioned some above, but this case seems peculiar to me:-i finally found that this same friend of mine is afraid to drive because he believes that drivers have a high probability of dying on the road than just the passengers(who lives by the sword dies by the sword),he further gave me an example that those possessing guns are more likely to die than those without(i think the opposite is true) i still have to know the source of his statistics.may be psychologists should one more time come with the proper word for this kind of fear.I tend to think that the correlation between risking your life and getting away with it is quite ambiguous, just like saying that people who do jobs they have a passion for excel(Gets rich).Anyway let's leave that for a debate.Why actually should somebody fear a coachroach and not a lion.This is one of life's mysteries, for real.What's your take on this?

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

What's you Rational fear?

That's one hell of a question you may have to answer.However, i would like to shed some light on the unreasoning fear in countries in the western world.This fear makes us look foolish and sometimes,deadly decisions when we deal with risks. There are dangers in these irrational fear,an example is the uncle sam's(US) response to September 11 attack.
The diference in safety between driving and flying is quite enormous, flying is remotely safer than driving.During post September 11, most Americans fled the airports and since they needed to go around, they started driving instead and generally when you have millions of people that increases the risk of something,you can imagine the consequences(dire):This shift from the airport to the roads resulted in the loss of many lives on the road.
Clearly, the brains we are using to try to grapple with this radically changed information environment were shaped in the Stone Age, so there's a radical mismatch between our intuitive systems for understanding risks and the world as it exists today.Ask yourself this: before these last few decades, what sort of information environment do people live in?One of the toughest issues is whether people are irrationally afraid or if there are simply different fears.
If you look at Western countries, you will find in country after country -are our parents worried about their children being snatched by strangers?I suspect they are. Are they allowing them to play less outdoors unsupervised? I suspect they are. Do they put them in cars and drive them to school because they're afraid that they'll be abducted by strangers? I suspect they are.And why is that? I think it's because of this information environment.
I have just realised i should have used a different title may be"West faces an epidemic of irrational fear",unfortunately i can't undo the title.So guys i guese my next post will be on Rational fear.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Would you change!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you knew that you would die today
Saw the face of God and love
Would you change?

If you knew that love can break your heart
When you're down so low that you cannot fall
Would you change?

How bad, how good, does it need to get?
How many losses? how much regret?
What chain reaction would cause an effect?
Makes you turn around
Makes you try to explain
Makes you forgive and forget,
Makes you change

If you knew that you would be alone
Knowing right, being wrong,
Would you change?

If you knew that you would find a truth
That would bring a pain that can't be soothed
Would you change?

Are you so upright
You can't be bent
If it comes to blows
Are you so sure you won't be crawling
If not for the good why risk falling

If everything you think you know
Makes your life unbearable
Would you change?

If you'd broken every rule and vow
And hard times come to bring you down
Would you change???????????

Friday, May 2, 2008

Penis theft panic hits city.

For more information, refer to the link
clipped from

Penis theft panic hits city..

KINSHASA (Reuters) - Police in Congo have arrested 13 suspected sorcerers accused of using black magic to steal or shrink men's penises after a wave of panic and attempted lynchings triggered by the alleged witchcraft.

Reports of so-called penis snatching are not uncommon in West Africa, where belief in traditional religions and witchcraft remains widespread, and where ritual killings to obtain blood or body parts still occur.

Rumors of penis theft began circulating last week in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo's sprawling capital of some 8 million inhabitants. They quickly dominated radio call-in shows, with listeners advised to beware of fellow passengers in communal taxis wearing gold rings.

Purported victims, 14 of whom were also detained by police, claimed that sorcerers simply touched them to make their genitals shrink or disappear, in what some residents said was an attempt to extort cash with the promise of a cure.

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