Monday, June 9, 2008


The reason why i chose facebook is that, it has more users than all the world’s major dating sites combined,. It has the potential to become people’s home page.
Where postcards, letters, phone calls, e-mails and meetings were once normal methods of communication, Facebook and its competitors have become individuals’ own personal town criers, exchanging tittle-tattle, news, ideas, invitations, dates, business and social interaction with virtually unlimited audiences on the web.
The more excitable prophets say that social networks are changing our lives for ever, for better and for worse. We are in the throes of a social revolution that is evolving so rapidly, few can predict either its impact beyond the next few months, or the fallout
Whatever you post on the facebook and in other social networks will in one day affect your job.
Famous faces, have found themselves embarrassed by social networks. Hugh Grant was photographed cuddling up to a bunch of attractive female students, and someone posted them on Facebook; it naturally made the tabloids.
We don’t consider that things we paste up online are there for ever, relics that will never go away. If you’re pissed at a party, passed out in a pool of vomit, that’s an image that will forever reside somewhere.

We, as users, should learn better how to conduct ourselves. Social networks will find a balance between being invasive and being helpful.

however as i always say,i'm not a pessimist,social networks have unleashed a storm of creativity, entrepreneurialism, commercial thinking and social thinking.Lets all be reponsible for our own actions!!!!

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