Monday, April 14, 2008

Life is full of mystery

Hallo everyone and wellcome to my personal blog life is full of mystery.Something struck me one day when i happened to be in a a right place at the right time.I happened to be in the company of drunkards while i was in a sobriety statei was wondering , why the behaviour of people who have consumed alcohol and are in a state of being drunk are no less different from mad people. When people are drunk, they tend to express their passsions in uncontrollable manner.Some have rage, others show love, others over excitement, they all do this extravagantly, but according to their several domineering passions, for the effect of the alcohol does not remove dissimulations and take from them the sight of deformity of their passions.For i believe, the most sober person when they walk alone without care and employment of the mind would be unwilling the vanity and extravagance of their thoughts at that time should be publicly seen. Probably there is a scientific explanation of this correlation.

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